Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Home Technical Terms Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Black Hat

Black hat SEO is a technique where unethical tactics are employed to increase the page rank of a website.

Blog Comment Spam

Blog comment spam is spamming by commenting irrelevant or copied content, posting promotional text or links in the comments of the blog. Any blog which automatically approves the comments posted by the visitors are the target of blog spammers.


It is the process of converting the similar URL of a website to a standard or canonical form. E.g. whenever a user types- or, both redirect to the standard URL-

Crawl Depth

It is the extent up to which a crawler indexes a website. A website contains multiple pages and a page which occurs at the lower side of this page-hierarchy will have little chance of getting indexed.

Crawl Frequency

Crawl frequency refers to the number of times or the frequency of the search engine crawlers crawling a website. A website which is updated frequently is likely to be crawled more frequently with respect to a website updated rarely. You cannot determine when the crawlers will crawl the website next time, so you can use Fetch as Google option in Google webmaster to let crawlers now that you have updated content on the site.

Crawler/ spider

The Crawler/ spider is a program which reads out the source code of your web page.


It is also known as a spider or crawler. The bot reads out the source code of website and fetch the information and store in local database.

Gray Hat

it is a technique which uses black hat seo but not up to the point where website can get black listed by search engine.


When user insert a query to find something on Search Engine, i.e. known as Keywords.

Keyword density

Keyword density is a ratio of the number of times a word appears in a webpage to the total number of words in that page.

Keyword stuffing

Using same keywords in excess in a webpage is known as keyword stuffing.

PR( Page Rank)

PR is an algorithm used by search engine to rank the website according to linking algorithm.


It is a text file as also known as robot exclusion protocol which is uploaded in the site’s root directory. This file tells the search engine crawler which files, folders or web pages are not to be crawled or indexed.

Search engine

It is a Software which allows you to access web pages. It provides information from its database through keywords searched by users.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, SEO is an Online Marketing Techniques which is used to get higher ranking on Top of the Search Engine for a specific keywords.

SERP( Search engine result page)

SERP is result page of a search engine which display the answer to the user's query.


A Sitemap is an XML file that contains all the URL’s of the website. Along with URL’s, it also contain information about their priority, how often it will be changed or modified. This file helps to locate and crawl all the URL of a site easily.


Traffic refers to the number of users visiting the website. The traffic may be organic or paid. Organic traffic refers to visitor coming from clicking on link on search result page. Paid traffic means visitors comes from an ad displayed on SERP. Traffic to a website may also come from referral sites-Facebook, twitter, etc.

White hat

White hat SEO is a technique which follows the guideline of Google and improves the page rank of a website.