Google Search Console (Google Webmaster)

Home Technical Terms Google Search Console (Google Webmaster)


It is a technique to scan source code of the website.

Crawl error

when URL is blocked by robots.txt and it is not accessible.

Crawl stats

It monitors your search result data.


No of clicks on site in search result.

Fetch as Google

It enables you to add URL and submit it to Google index for a crawl.

Google Index

It is a process to add web pages into Google search.

Google Search console

It is also known as Google Webmaster.

Google webmaster

It is web service by Google which manages the indexing of the site and improves traffic to the site.

HTML Verification code

It is a code which is uploaded to the root directory of a site and helps to verify your webmaster account.


when users see ad, thumbnail or ad displayed once on a web page.

Indexed status

It shows the total no of web pages indexed by Google.

Internal links

The links present on a website, connecting the web pages.

Link to your sites

The links which point outs the website


It shows average position of each keywords.

Robots.txt test

It allows you to test and submit your robots.txt file, and test that your URL has been blocked properly.

Search Analytics

It Analyze performance of a website on Google Search and gives results to understand user's search patterns.


It is a list of web pages which are accessible to crawlers and users.