Given a pressure transmitter with a measurement range of 150 to 400 PSI and a signal range of 4 to 20 milliamps, calculate the applied pressure corresponding to a signal of 10.6 milliamps.

Home Study Material Given a pressure transmitter with a measurement range of 150 to 400 PSI and a signal range of 4 to 20 milliamps, calculate the applied pressure corresponding to a signal of 10.6 milliamps.
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Given a pressure transmitter with a measurement range of 150 to 400 PSI and a signal range of 4 to 20 milliamps, calculate the applied pressure corresponding to a signal of 10.6 milliamps.

Take 10.6 milliamps and subtract the LRV (4 milliamps), then divide by the span (16 milliamps) to arrive at 41.25% (0.4125 per unit).

~Take this number and multiply by the span of the pressure range (400 PSI − 150 PSI, or 250 PSI) and lastly add the LRV of the pressure range (150 PSI) to arrive at a final answer of 253.125 PSI.