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Digital Marketing

Canon EOS- M is a microsite that I found quite fascinating. It is loaded with visuals and graphics, but irrespective of the device that you view it on it works fast and gives a coherent experience throughout. The aesthetics of the site are pleasing to the eyes, and the combination of red and black make it look more ethereal. It is a great example of how to design a site if it needs to be graphic heavy and loaded with images.

60-minutes:  This chrome browser application is all about news. It collects news, reports, video segments and put them together in a  confined format for others to read. Even though this site has to add a humongous amount of multimedia content it is super tidy and straightforward to read and interpret. It is an excellent example of how to utilize the HTML5, CSS3, and other cutting-edge solutions to create a perfect website design.  So, if you have to display a vast amount of data on your website, then this website can serve as a cue for you to prepare the design strategy.