Twitter optimisation

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Twitter optimisation

1.    Profile creation: When you are creating Twitter account for your business then it should have everything about your brand i.e., brand photo, bio(within 160 characters), header image( more like a billboard where you post about your product feature, events, etc., etc) and a pinned tweet so that nobody misses out anything when they visit your profile. 

2.    Retweet: Retweeting is an essential feature of Twitter that is essential for growing your business and making a brand name. If you find a quote on the Twitter that is relevant to your business, then you have the option to “RT” also called as re-tweet. You should not use just retweet but also mention the source from where it is coming. A retweet is also a kind of viral marketing where you find new followers and leads for your business. 

3.    Hashtags: The relevance of hashtags on Twitter is the same as on other social media platforms. It helps to make a post or a tweet easily searchable on the site. A hashtag is preceded by a “#” followed by a keyword phrase or words. Tapping on the hashtags displays all other tweets and posts that have that hashtag. 

4.    Brand promotion: Twitter has about 300 million daily users, so it is an excellent place for your brand promotion. The key to creating a successful brand promotion tweet is that it reaches your target audience. Keep in mind the goal of your tweet, i.e., it is for selling a product or increasing your followers, or it is to grow brand awareness. Whatever it is,  design your tweet keeping in mind the idea behind it. Also, if you have planned and timed your tweet correctly, then it increases the chances of your success. 

5. Integration with other tools: There are several tools that one can use to manage their Twitter social media profile. Here is a list of some popular ones: 

i.    Twitter analytics: It is the official analytics tools of Twitter that provide you with a detailed overview of your profile. The benefit of using this tool is that it is easy to understand, is 100% accurate and come with built-in tools to improve efficiency. It gives you details like new followers, tweet impressions, twitter mentions, and profile visits. Reviewing these details at the end of each month can help marketers to strategize their campaign accordingly. 

ii.    Buzzsumo: This tool provides the user with the most searched and hot content of their industry on social media. For Twitter engagement specifically, there is a view sharers icon. It provides you with a detailed overview of each profile that shared your content. You cannot reach out to all the sharers so you should pay attention to those profiles who have a large number of followers and high retweet ratio. Connect with them through email or twitter and make them aware of your brand. 

iii.    TwitHelper: Twitter comes with a 140 character restriction which means that you need to be effective in just a few lines you say.  If you use an image, then it can be influential, and Twithelper helps you with that. You can create a twitter card in just a few seconds with this tool. The statistics show that image tweets boost retweets by 35%.