Websites|Web portals

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Websites|Web portals

Website: It is a set of web pages that are clustered together under a unique domain name and published on a web server. Some examples are, and so on.

Websites are mainly of two types:

•    Static: The web pages are stored on the server and coded in HTML and CSS is used to control the appearance of the website.  It is more like a brochure or a business card that remains constant.

•    Dynamic: A dynamic site changes its content frequently and automatically. They require more high performing servers and a database server such as MySql.


Web Portal : A web portal is a single point for access to information for personalized and categorized content. Web portals are also classified depending on their types such as market space portals, public web portals, knowledge portals, and enterprise web portals, etc. It helps users in search navigation, setting up notifications, information integration and facilitates multi-channel consistency.