Various content generation methods

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Various content generation methods

Creating new content is not an easy feat. You have to do a lot of thinking and brooding to come up with new ideas about the same topic again and again. Also, the topics should be something that is interesting and pulls the interest of the audience. 

Here are some of the content generation methods: 

1.    Listen to social media: Social media is an excellent source of information and ideas as it is a user platform. You can read the comments and thoughts of the users on pages related to your niche or brand. It will give you an insight into the user’s mind and their problems or expectations from your brand. Using this information you can frame some new ideas or redo the already existing ones. 

2.    Redesigning your old posts: Another way to create content is to use data from your older posts and create a video or an infographic around that same content. It will be the same content but with a new face. 

3.    Get questions answered: You can contact your sales team and ask them what questions the customers usually ask. Create a list of those questions and create content in the form of answers to them. It will immediately pique the interest of your users as they are getting something for which they always wanted answers. 

4.    Analyze competitor blogs: You are in the race, and several other brands are competing with you. You can analyze their websites and come up with some related or similar ideas and turn your content around it. 

5.    Latest news and updates: It can be one of the best content generation method where you can write blogs about the latest updates in your field. You should have all ears to the recent advancements and trends related to your niche and generate content about the same. 

6.    Brainstorming session with your team: You can hold up a meeting or connect with like-minded people and discuss topics related to your niche. Your staff and colleagues may come up with some brilliant ideas which you can subsequently include in your content.