SMM using twitter

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SMM using twitter

Twitter is another essential component of social media marketing. It comes with its own set of unique features that can help you to skyrocket your business marketing needs. 

When you set up your Twitter profile then align it with your other online presence and make it consistent.

Twitter username: Also called as the twitter handle needs to be unique and should define your brand. If you have a company when choosing a name that incorporates both of them will be a good idea. Avoid using any special characters or anything that will complicate the username as it will be hard to remember and not that easy to type. 

Profile and cover photo: If you are a business then logo as your profile photo will be the best thing to do. Adding your photo is also a good way as it adds a personal sense to the profile.  The cover photo can be utilized to convey the mission or story of your business. 

Bio: There is a limit in twitter characters so try to create interesting catchphrases that convey more but in fewer words. Add all the information about your location, website address and other details so that people know about you by just going through your profile page.

Engage through tweets and follow people: Twitter is one of the most fast-paced discussion board that allows users to connect through tweets and replies. When you reply or re-tweet or tweet, it helps to reach out more audience and create a larger customer base. Share tweets that are useful for your customers and convey details about your product and services.

You need to be smart when you are planning your tweets and replies on the Twitter profile. More people will follow you when your tweets are interesting or relevant. Do not forget to mention the link of your twitter profile on your website page or add graphic images to your website or blog indicating and showing your Twitter profile page. 

Make use of images, videos, hashtags to increase the engagement rate and get more followers. Find your potential local customers through the location accurate filters based on pin code and zipcodes.